My first memory of Nan

Created by Megan Rimmer 16 years ago
I think probably my earliest memory of Nan is when I was about 3 or 4 and Chloe must have been about 2, and Nan was babysitting us in our old house in Stuart Road. She was pretending to be an alien and it was so funny, I remember laughing and laughing, she was wearing some crazy headband we’d made with tentacle things coming out of it and she was saying the aliens were going to steal our toast if we didnt eat it fast, or something like that, and then we made all these aliens and spaceships and hung them all over the house on coat hangers, and when Mum and Dad got home we all jumped out pretending to be aliens, or that aliens were after us, I’m not too sure, I just remember how funny it was, and I remember thinking that Nana was the funniest person in the world.