Yet another story from Megan

Created by Megan Rimmer 16 years ago
I promise this is the last story I will put on, but this is a good one. I don’t know how old I was, I think I must have been about 7 or 8 because Larna was really tiny, and me, Clo, Mum, Nan, Julie and Larns all went out for lunch. There was a ball pool thing, with slides and that, and me and Chloe got on it straight away, but Larna was only little and she was scared. So Julie got in after us, and then my Mum did too, and we were all having such a laugh, they were falling over, falling on top of each other and us, slipping and sliding. We were all screaming laughing and we could see Nan watching us, nearly falling off her chair in hysterics. Then the next thing some snotty woman who worked there comes storming over and tells them to get out, glaring at us as if we’re a bunch of absolute freaks. Obviously that made it even funnier and the whole lot of us were sitting round laughing our heads off. Then Nan starts telling me and Chloe that she’s laughed so much she’s wet herself, and asking us to lend her our knickers. Looking back am pretty sure she hadn’t wet herself, but at the time I believed it, and I thought it was the funniest thing in the history of the world. I remember all the rest of the day, I’d just be eating my lunch or something and suddenly Nan would chime in with ‘Come on girls, don’t be mean, one of you has to give me your knickers!’ and I’d be laughing my head off again. She was so funny.